
Insights at each stage of the Customer Journey

For the global launch of a brand in Amsterdam and London (brand is confidential - W+K Strategy Project), we conducted extensive research to understand the user journey and to create user personas. Creative ideas were developed to address specific triggers and painpoints across the journey.

For a global project for a financial brand (brand is confidential - W+K Strategy Project), we analysed how Indian consumers go through the process of deciding on a brand to use. The entire approach was based on insights for each stage of each customer journey.

For a project for Google (new product launch in India) an extensive design and competition audit was done to understand what makes customers aware of the offering, consider a new option, decide on an option and continue to use the same (confidential project - Toaster Strategy Project)


Hijabsters Insights

Indonesia has a dominant Muslim population and most of the women wear Hijabs. Working on a hair care brand it was important to understand this segment in depth. We studied the new age, urban, cool, tech-savvy, digital native, hijab wearing women - The Hijabsters to unearth deep insights about their life, their haircare rituals, their worries and their inspirations.

One key finding was the under the hijab, hair conditions were 2x or more worse than otherwise - for eg: 2x heat, 2x humidity, etc. This led to a tech solution of creating a hijab specific measurement device, and a social conversation generation plan with digital influencers and Key Opinion Leaders for the brand.


Youth Insights

A unique research methodology was used for this insights study. We asked youngsters from the top 5 cities in India to mail us images that they think capture the essence of their life today. These images were then shuffled and taken back to a different set of youngsters and used as conversation starters in group discussions. It helped jump to the topics that matter to them, and opened up discussions as the visual stimuli were very strong and resonated with them.

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Project Ombre: Understanding the Fashion Consumer

A study undertaken to understand the trends - drivers, manifestations & application; within the fashion consumer segment. The fashion consumers were segmented into need based clusters (like the Over-the-tops, Story Hungry, Forever Updated, Naturalists, Simplicists, Nostalgics, Authentics) and studied in detail to help arrive at targeted offerings, tailored business solutions and creative ideas.

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18.3 & Under: Insights on the South Indian Consumer

Many brands struggle to resonate with the South Indian consumer - as they do not speak Hindi, the most commonly spoken language in India, they behave differently and seem to relate to slightly different values.

Looking at all of India as one broad consumer bucket does not cut it any more. One needs to understand the nuances of the South Indian consumers - what makes them different, what matters to them, how do you resonate with them, what values do they hold close to their hearts? These were some of the key areas we set out to answer when we undertook this study to mine insights about the South Indian Consumer.

We found 9 key themes specific to the South Indian consumer.

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Project Femme 2.0

A study undertaken to understand the changing desires and triggers for women as a consumer segment.

The methodology included analysing popular culture - women’s literature, Bollywood movies, regional cinema, top 5 women’s magazines, TV content, matrimonial websites and more.

Various interesting facets of this TG were unearthed as emerging themes resonant to them.

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Trend Stories & Palettes

From 2017, I have been researching and developing Cultural Trend Stories, Moodboards and Palettes as a part of the annual trend forecasts.

In 2017, these were presented at the Singapore CMG Forecast Seminar.

In 2018, our trends were presented at the Bangkok CMG Forecast Seminar.

In 2019, at the Design Workshops across India.

In 2020, at virtual forecasting seminars, due to the lockdown.